Can You Put A Bouncy Castle On Artificial Grass?

The most commonly asked is, "can you put a bouncy castle on artificial grass"?

Unfortunately, the short answer is no. Is it possible to put a bouncy castle on artificial grass? But It isn't economically viable. In this blog, we'll explain why.

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Can You Put A Bouncy Castle on Artificial Grass?

Bouncy castles are generally anchored using giant stakes and hammered into the grass. The law states that 163 kg must be placed on every anchor point when this is impossible. A standard bouncy castle will have at least six anchor points. The 163 kg can be provided in the form of sandbags, with each sandbag weighing approximately 25 kg. Therefore, seven sandbags would be required per anchor point for a small children's bouncy castle, totaling 42 sandbags. A tonne of sand to put into perspective just what is necessary to anchor a bouncy castle safely.

It means that a single bouncy castle should be placed on artificial grass. 

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We understand why people might want to use artificial grass on their lawn. It doesn't need to be mowed, there are no weeds, and you can use it year-round. However, it's not suitable for a bouncy castle. We highly recommend that if you have artificial grass on your lawn, you can hire a hall for your party or if that's not an option, then maybe look at using a parent or family member's garden instead. It is not worth the risk of unsafely setting up a bouncy castle on grass.

Final thought 

The bouncy castle may be able to stay on concrete or tarmac, but only if there is a proper way to secure it, which is usually done by drilling and using thunderbolts.

Safety is always our priority. If you still have questions about "can you put a bouncy castle on artificial grass"  or need help, don't hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions or offer advice.